Keryn Thompson Keryn Thompson

My favourite breastfeeding attachment tips:

Over the years I have found myself saying a lot of the same few tips to new parents - things to look out for when attaching their baby to the breast and what is normal/not normal!

…so I thought I would share some of these tips here too, in the hopes that something in this list might help you if you need it!

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Keryn Thompson Keryn Thompson

How much breastmilk does my baby need?

The question on so many new parents minds - how much milk does my baby need?

…and if I’m breastfeeding, how can I tell how much they’re getting?

I know this can be a daunting feeling - but here are some answers!

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Keryn Thompson Keryn Thompson

Antenatal hand expressing?

If you’re reading this right now you have probably heard of antenatal hand expressing either through friends, instagram, tik tok… but what IS it? and do you need to do it?

….here is what you need to know!

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