Do I need a referral to see you?
Nope! No referral required! Just pop me an email at: keryn@ittybittybub.com.au or submit an enquiry here, and I’ll contact you directly to book in a consultation!
I don’t live in the Hills district, do you travel?
Yes! I have been known to drive over an hour to get to new families all across Sydney. I know its often easier for help to come to you rather than having to leave the house with a little one! When booking please let me know your location so I can schedule appropriate travel time to get to and from your house.
(Additional fees for travel time/expenses apply if >25kms from Bella Vista area)
How many consultations will I need?
Many (if not most!) of the families I see only require one consultation to identify and troubleshoot feeding issues! This is because I take my time to investigate as much as I can with you in the time we have together. My aim is always to give as much as I can in one visit and then be available on the sidelines if you need me. This is the reason I include 2 weeks of follow up via phone/email in my home consultation package as I have found this gives families access to advice and little changes to our plan as needed. Sometimes for complex feeding situations repeat consultations may be required however I very often discount these sessions if I deem them necessary. You can find out more information about my transparent pricing here.
Can I bring my partner/support person with me?
Yes, please!! I love being able to talk to and support both of you through this journey. It is so important you have a great support network around you when learning how to navigate life with your new baby. Plus - partners often remember a lot of the little details or questions/answers from our sessions and can be an amazing reference for you!
Do you offer any rebates with Medicare or private health insurers?
I am SO CLOSE to being able to offer Medicare rebates for antenatal consulations and consultations in the first 6 weeks after birth! I have just become an Endorsed Midwife (yay!!) and now just applying to Medicare and insurance companies for provider numbers! Unfortunately this means these consultations are privately billed currently and an out of pocket cost.
I do endeavour to provide as much time, support and resources as I can for you though and exciting things coming soon!!
(Updated: Feb 12, 2025)
What if I’m not breastfeeding and I want advice on bottle feeding?
Absolutely fine!! I’m so glad you’re here! It is a common misconception that Lactation consultants dont have advice or information for mixed feeding, expressing or bottle feeding mums! Quite the opposite actually - I have so much information I’d love to share with you to make sure you and your baby are safe and happy - however you choose to feed.
What can I expect during my consultation?
Consultations (either in clinic or at home) will include:
Privacy, respect and confidentiality
Discussion of your concerns and goals for baby feeding
Asking about your health history including pre-exsisting conditions, medications, pregnancy, birth and initial feeding (if relelvant)
Washing my hands, wearing gloves, never touching you or your baby without your permission
Observing you feeding your baby (breast or bottle) and identifying issues
Assessment of your baby’s health including assessment of their oral function and measurements if appropriate/needed.
Offer verbal prompts to help you optimise your baby’s feeding (I maintain a hands-off approach unless specifically requested as I believe the best way for you and your baby to learn is for you to do it yourselves!)
I will not tell you what to do. Instead I will tell you WHY I recommend certain strategies so then you can make your own informed decisions.
Develop a clear and sustainable management plan with you (and write it all down for you afterwards!)
Answers any questions you may have during the consultation as they arise
Referral to other services or support as appropriate
Timely follow up available via email /phone(and extended follow-up can be arranged if you need ongoing access to specialist advice)
What should I do to prepare for my private home consultation?
Please dont clean your house! I do not care what it looks like, you have a full time job with a baby and trying to get some sleep! The housework is irrelevant in comparison. I will happily sit with you wherever you usually feel comfortable feeding your baby.
Please write down any questions you may have (the longer the list the more excited I get!). You can also send them to me afterwards if any come up!
Timing the feed: I know its difficult to predict when your baby might be hungry but if you can avoid giving them a big feed in the 90mins prior to our consultation - this would be great! If they are distressed though - please dont wait to feed them! We’ll figure it out together.
Please have your baby's Blue Book handy as I use this to check his/her history and growth as well as document records as needed.
Any tools you’re currently using to help you feed (breast pump, baby bottles, nipple shields, nipple creams, breastfeeding pillow, towels, snacks, water bottle, etc)
Anything else you feel you might need
What should I bring to my clinic appointment?
Your baby! (please)
I know its difficult to predict when your baby might be hungry but if you can avoid giving them a big feed in the 90mins prior to our consultation - this would be great! If they are distressed then please dont wait to feed them though!
Your baby's Health Record (Blue Book)
Any questions you may have (I LOVE a list so if you have one, bring it!)
Anything you’re currently using to help you feed (breast pump, baby bottles, nipple shields, nipple creams, breastfeeding pillow, towels, snacks, water bottle, etc)
If your baby is currently having any expressed breast milk or formula, bring enough for his/her usual feed
Spare nappy and change of clothes for your baby (I have a change mat!)
Anything else you feel you might need